
How to Write, Sell, and Publish Your Book

Greetings from World Domination HQ in Portland, Oregon.

Today is the launch of our long-awaited Unconventional Guide to Publishing, a comprehensive resource to help those who want to write, sell, and publish a book.

Here’s the link for those who are interested:

–> Monster publishing guide—get it now, rah-rah, etc.


Since this is the first launch we’ve done in a long time, I’d like to explain how things work over here. First, there’s no pressure to buy this or any other business project of mine. I do most of my work for free, right here on the blog and elsewhere.

Next, do you need this guide to write and publish a book? Of course not. All information is free, one way or another, and you can certainly get started on your own. If you want to be a writer, the best advice is to write.

What this guide does instead is give you a shortcut to learning and a detailed introduction to the world of publishing. This world is confusing from the outside, and even once you make it in… it’s still confusing. I’ve spent three years annoying my publishers in an attempt to understand what works and what doesn’t—and I’m still figuring it out.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with David Fugate, the literary agent who represents me and many other authors. David has been in the industry for twenty years, selling more than a thousand books and helping his authors earn tens of millions of dollars. (I’m still waiting on my tens of millions, but David assures me the check is in the mail.)

As mentioned yesterday, David went all-out in creating the world’s greatest resource for those who want to publish a book. The finished version of the Unconventional Guide to Publishing contains a 45,000 word manual, numerous audio interviews (with transcripts), and additional notes. We talked with editors, book marketers, consultants, and booksellers to understand more about how writers can sell books, even in the age of self-publishing.

The main questions answered in the guide include:

  • So you want to write a book… what’s next?
  • How can you attract interest in your book idea?
  • How do you write a compelling book proposal? (And do you even need a proposal?)
  • How do you find an agent?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of different kinds of publishing? (Why not just self-publish?)
  • What three questions should I ask about any book contract?
  • How does the growth of online publishing affect print books?


There is also a ton of material on contracts and proposals—two critical components of book deals that aren’t covered nearly enough in most other resources.

You’ll learn how to craft a proposal that agents and editors will get excited about. When you get an offer, you’ll learn how to make sure your contract is favorable. Most importantly, if you’ve ever wanted to write a book, you’ll learn exactly how the process works and what you need to do.

Launch Bonus: 3 Reasons To Pick This Up Now

I always try to make things fun, and this is our first guide launch in more than 16 months (i.e., forever). We’re doing three different things to kick things up a notch:

1. Price discount. For the first three days, the Hemingway version will be available for 25% off. What what! Indeed, it’s true. No discount code needed, but regular pricing kicks in at midnight on Friday, no exceptions.

2. Phone call with David Fugate. In a no-holds-barred conference call to be scheduled next month, David will answer questions about the proposal process from everyone who gets the guide during our three-day launch period. (Note: this bonus may be limited in number due to the conference call service we use. I’ll update the post here if it is no longer available.)

3. Extra “platform-building” tips from me. Two versions of the guide include a long conversation with David and me about community building, focusing on how I’ve built AONC and how that process has helped my publishing career. In this conversation, I tried to be very clear on what’s gone well and where I made real mistakes. For those who purchase the guide during this special launch, I’ll be happy to take a quick look at your project sometime in the next 60 days and offer some input by email.

Note: Neither David nor I sell any consulting services. This is a special offer only for the launch of the guide.


I’m thrilled that people read my blog for free, and you never need to buy any resource out of obligation or support. If you’re interested in writing a book, however, I’m proud to have this in the shop and I think it will serve you well.

If it might help someone else you know, I’d appreciate you spreading the word. Otherwise, no worries and we’ll resume the normal publishing schedule again next week.

Here’s the link again:

–> Monster publishing guide—get it now, rah-rah, etc.

– Chris

P.S. As you think about creating something, whether a book or anything else, remember to start with something to say.


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