
Yeah! I got your signup—this is going to be great.


Thank you—I’m glad you’re still out there!

In the years since The $100 Startup was published, I’ve heard from thousands of readers about their own journey to freedom and independence. It’s been incredibly exciting, and I want to make sure the book (and everything else I do) remains relevant to your needs.

I look forward to sharing more tips and helpful lessons with you along the way. Check your inbox right now for the very first message, entitled “Freedom Awaits! Welcome to the Revolution.”

Let me know what you think!

Oh, and by the way:

*Every year I produce a global gathering of remarkable people. It’s called the World Domination Summit (a modest name), and YOU are invited to join us!

*You can get the audio version of my new book, Born for This, as a FREE download from with your trial membership

*You are awesome and I’m grateful to know you. I hope to see you again soon!
