
Don’t Forget to Register for Free Money Next Saturday


Link: Register for $30 AmEx Credits

If you’re in the U.S., don’t forget to register for free money “Small Business Saturday.”

A few years ago, American Express created a new fake holiday to honor small business owners. As fake holidays go, it sure beats President’s Day—I like supporting small businesses, and whenever Small Business Saturday rolls around in late November, you have the chance to earn an instant rebate for every AmEx card you have.

The instant rebate varies year by year, and this year it’s pretty good: when shopping at a local small business, you’ll earn up to three $10 credits per registered card.

Naturally, I have … a lot … of AmEx cards. In years past I’ve had as many as nine, but this year I think I’m down to five active ones. Still, five cards x 3 $10 credits each = $150 in free money.

There’s no catch, except that you have to use your AmEx (duh) to receive the credit. You can find participating merchants from your city on this handy map. Oh, and you need to make sure that each card’s charges are split into three transactions of at least $10 or more.



Image: Adam

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